01、Agoni° [爱过你]
02、Mole [泪痣]
03、Poison. [毒药]
04、Idle wine a few pots [闲酒几壶]
05、Lone wood is not a forest [孤木不成森]
06、Half the world [半生浪迹天涯]
07、Wine and flowers withered [酒撒花枯]
08、Trauma [创伤]
09、Run away [逃离]
10、TRAP [陷阱]
11、Submarine [海底]
12、End. [结束]
13、Unworthy [不值得]
14、Deceive [谎言]
15、Can not let go [放不下]
16、Sick° [病态]
17、Without [没有你]
18、Akoasm [幻听]
19、Fickle. [薄情]
20、deceive [欺骗]
21、Blame [冷心]
22、The madman [疯子]
23、Take the wrong [错牵]
24、Like to cry [喜哭]
25、Lonely end [孤独结尾]
26、And wine [且煮酒]
27、Hobo [流浪]
28、ronin. [浪人]
29、Old flame [旧情人]
30、Stranger [陌路]
31、Not everything [聚散无由]
32、Take the other person [负了他人]
33、Be opinionated [自以为是]
34、Shackles for long [缚久]
35、Grazing island off [枯牧岛离]
36、cowardly [怯弱]
37、Fetter. [自作多情]
38、Elaborate° [敷衍]
39、The traveler [过客]
40、Heart bitter [心事苦]
41、Silent collapse [无声崩溃]
42、Acalculia [失算]
43、Deep sea [深海]
44、unnecessary [多余]
45、Casually [随便]
46、Yoke [羁绊]
47、A paper book you dead [亡匿一纸锦书]
48、The silent silence [不可遏制的沉默]
49、Drinking to tears [饮酒落泪]
50、Delusion [妄想]
51、Galaxy [距离]
52、Bubble [泡沫]
53、Couvrir [困兽]
54、move on [离开]
55、Monster [怪物]
56、The wind travels [清风远行]
57、In fact I mind [其实我介意]
58、Dream Wake [梦醒]
59、Don't hold [勿拥]
60、Self crossing [自我泅渡]
61、Difficult to have [难拥有]
62、City of old people [他城旧人]
63、Letter lost in the wind [遗失在风中的信]
64、Lonely [孤独]
65、Redundant. [多余]
66、Sandm° [旧梦]
67、Curtain [落幕]
68、lie [说谎]
69、Pathos drama [悲情戏码]
70、One hundred pain [百样痛]
71、A handful of ashes [一捧骨灰]
72、Drunk the wind [饮了风]
73、Pretext [借口]
74、Felling first barren [感情初荒]
75、Tears° [眼泪]
76、Drowning. [溺死]
77、Miss process [怀念过程]
78、Boiling age [沸腾的年龄]
79、outsiders [局外人]
80、Pass [流逝]
81、Autism [孤独症]
82、lost [失去]
83、Fall to him [沦陷于他]
84、Alone in a [孤身一人
85、The wind lost his eyes [风迷了眼]
86、Buried in your heart [葬于你心]
87、The cowardly people who [懦弱的失魂人]
88、Struggle [挣扎]
89、Dear° [心裂]
90、sad [痛心]
91、Lonely patients [孤独患者]
92、Archive [封存]
93、Blame me weak [怪我懦弱]
94、Say love hot mouth [说爱烫嘴]
95、partiality [偏心]
96、memories° [落寞的回忆]
97、Put the cigarette throat [烟头搁咽喉]
98、Silent [黑白年代]
99、Who's heart [谁的心动 ]
100、The crying game 乱世浮生]